My Own Spiritual Journey and How It Changed The Way I Teach
During the past few years I have been on a personal spiritual journey that has given me many incredible opportunities. Whether sitting and listening to His Holiness The Dalai Lama speak in Dharamsala, becoming a certified yoga instructor through the Sivananda Ashram set within the Himalayas of Kutir India, living and training with Shaolin Monks in Henan China or climbing to Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal; each experience opened my eyes to a new profound outlook on life.
While this search has given me a new found groundedness, I have been trying to explore ways that would allow me to share this knowledge and understanding with others in a more holistic simplified way of golf instruction. One that would improve the mental beliefs in ourselves and most importantly, make learning and playing the game fun again while allowing us all to discover the true inner potential we all have deep within us.
Along the way I discovered not only a new way to teach the swing itself but to also align the body and mind, creating a process that allows my students to reach their own inner greatness and potential. The platform I use combines the movements or commonalities from the greatest golfers of all-time and meshes this with the technology of the Western world and the timeless traditions of Eastern philosophy. This dualistic approach creates a flow within the golfer allowing them to not only feel and create the proper movements but to be in the present moment creating a heightened awareness and sense of understanding; Making your own journey an easier way to learn and improve within the game of golf.
While training with me, you will not only learn how the body moves effectively and efficiently through the full swing, chipping and putting motions but will also discover ways to strengthen your mental awareness and develop a renewed belief in yourself and your own abilities.

During my trek in the Himalayas of Nepal
I am available for personal training, group clinics, and private instruction in person or via Skype.
For inquiries please click here.